Friday, September 22, 2006

Not So "PC" for potential PCs....

From the bbc news channel....
"Force admits rejecting white men
Gloucestershire police force has admitted illegally rejecting 108 job applicants because they were white men.
The Police Federation said the force has been trying to recruit more female officers and more people from ethnic minorities to meet a government target.
But one of the unsuccessful applicants, Matt Powell took legal action and has been awarded £2,500 by a tribunal.
Mr Powell, 30, said he became suspicious when he was told he had been "randomly deselected".
No response
"I couldn't get 'randomly deselected' out of my head so I made some enquiries," he said.
"I wrote letters, spoke to them and they were coming back with nothing, absolutely nothing.
"They were refusing to talk to me, so I thought, well if you're not going to talk to me you'll talk to somebody, so that's when I got my MP involved and then my solicitor involved and that's when they started to talk."
The case comes six months after Avon and Somerset Police admitted it had illegally rejected almost 200 applications from white men for the same reason. "

So once more our fine boys in blue give members of the public yet another reason to distrust them. After years of endemic racism, and totally alienating much of the non-white population through the seventies and eighties, what do we end up with after 20 years of trying to change things? Racism from the top down.

The discovery of racism in the ranks these days is usually (quite rightly) dealt with swiftly. The officers responsible hardly have time to draw breath before they are put before the courts, dragged over the front pages and cashiered out.

But when someone gives an order (and someone must have, I find it hard to believe a whole bunch of recruiters started acting on their own initiative in unison) that people should be rejected because of skin colour, how many are being disciplined? How many are being dragged through the papers, into court, out of the force? None that I can see.

Some may argue that the attempt to increase the number of ethnic minorities in the force is essential enough that sometimes 'Positive discrimination' is needed. I submit there is no such thing, discrimination always has negative results.
The law is not vague about this. It does not only recognise racism against black skin. So what gives some 'Dudley DoRight' the remit to start trying to convince us it's sometimes ok to make decisions on peoples futures based on race? Not a very 'PC' attitude is it?


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