Friday, July 07, 2006

This is kids stuff....

If you really want to see blogging, not my lazy amateur attempt at it, then you have to go here.
Some of you will know the author from days gone by. I still maintain that in spite of the excellent work in his blog, I can still out rant him in a face to face conflict, (though this has usually been because I have a louder voice).

Words of warning, set aside plenty of time, he writes even more than he talks, also some of it is from the perspective of someone living in a less civilized environment, but that's because he is at the moment.

Enjoy the master.

Remembering too much...

Remember that wonderful British spirit? Stiff Upper Lip, getting on with it, knuckling down?

Well it seems judging by today's tv coverage we have lost that get over it/get on with it Britishness that we have every reason to be proud of. You can't turn on the tv today (with the possible exception of the cooking channels) without seeing another long-drawn out 'memorial' special from the lazy arsed journo's that dwell in darkest tv land.

Are we turning into Americans? Only we seem to need to analyse every bloody thing forever and a day, get a few years of therapy under our belts, and set up an enquiry if someone so much as farts in our general direction these days. Now I'm not belittling the pain some people went through a year ago, it must have been horrific. But the majority of them got on with it, regardless of injury or loss, and carried on with life, the way we do.

Except that is for those that the 'journo-voyeurs' got a hold of. In our wonderful 'I'll make ya famous' culture of today, every opportunity to drag another victim before us and tell us of their amazing story of human trauma is taken. These people suffered no more or less than those who went home and got on with life, there's just been a lot more fuss made of it.

Sometimes terrorists injure people, but it takes a journalist to turn them into a victim.