The Power of Prayer To Kill...

It will come as no big surprise to regular readers to hear my opinion of Dale Neumann, a Wisconsin man who stood around with his other God-bothering friends praying for his 11 year old daughter to be healed while she slowly died of diabetes.
This moron has thankfully been convicted of second degree reckless homicide, as was his wife last year on the same charge. They will both be sentenced in October and could face up to 25 years.
I think it would be a more appropriate sentence to re-introduce a trial by ordeal under such circumstances. Surely Neumann would have no objections to testing God's powers against his own life rather than that of a child? Perhaps a stake-burning? Thrown into a sack with snakes? Something along those lines?
Just think of the money it would save compared to 25 years of feeding this worthless waste of space.
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