Boris Drops A Bollock...

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, Mayor Boris has dropped an awfully big bollock this time, just as I was beginning to think he might be one of the few politicians worth anything in this age of our country being governed by cynical money grabbing charlatans.
In an interview with Stephen Sakur for Hardtalk.....
dear old blundering Boris refers to his £250,000 annual pay packet for knocking out a weekly article for the Sunday Torygraph as 'chicken-feed'!
I actually don't have a problem with Boris earning a quarter of a million quid for writing some silly series of articles, (if I could get paid for doing so, I'd be in heaven!), but calling that amount of money 'chicken-feed' when the vast majority of the population of this country are feeling the bite of a recession has to be one of the most serious pieces of ill-judgement since King Charles turned to his wife and said, 'Don't worry darling, nobody would dare touch me, God gave me this job...'
As the interview continues Boris does a fine job of trying to scramble out of the bottomless pit he has dug himself with his silly remark by dredging deep in the 'I give money to charity' trough, the oft used straw grasped at by the over-paid. I hope I have mixed enough metaphors there to keep critics busy for a while, but I would like to point out, it's not like I'm being paid £250,000 to write this nonsense....
"just as I was beginning to think he might be one of the few politicians worth anything in this age of our country being governed by cynical money grabbing charlatans."
We are talking about BORIS JOHNSON here right? What on Earth made you start to believe that?
It started with his getting rid of the congestion charge extension, continued with his kicking Ian Blair into touch and was generally helped along by the fact that in spite of being a Tory, he does seem to be more interested in looking after London than playing party politics... all admirable points I think, even if he's far from a saint, he does seem to be more honest in his opinions and thoughts than most of the question dodging, fleecing scumbags we have as MPs.
Ha ha, I don't think Johnson gives a flying proverbial about looking after London. Long live Ken!
He is a blithering idiot. End of.
Good to see your still living your political life in 1980 Shaun, better Red than dead for you eh?
Ken Livingstone was (and is) an odious little man with delusions of mediocrity. It was his inability to do the job that left us with a Tory Mayor, and as Tories go, Boris is about the best of a bad bunch. Anything you don't like about London in the last 25 years and Red Ken has had his sticky little paws in it somewhere. At least his influence now is thankfully restricted to whining about each and every decision Boris makes in a desperate attempt to stay in the public eye.
Simon, in my experience, anyone using 'end of' clearly indicates they have no arguments left, I on the other hand never run out.
"Anything you don't like about London in the last 25 years and Red Ken has had his sticky little paws in it somewhere"
Erm, hardly.
Things Ken actually did, as opposed to Boris who has done fuck all:
- Congestion charge, hurrah.
- Olympics, hurrah.
- Massive investment in public transport, hurrah.
- Crossrail, hurrah.
- Free travel for the poor, hurrah.
So, if that makes me red till I'm dead then hurrah to that too :p
What do you care anyway - you dont even live in London. Boris only got in because of you suburban types. Pfft.
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