Stop The War Demo...

No, please, stop the war demo. It's time we marched against these annoying gatherings and put a stop to them.
Ok, perhaps I'm just a little jealous. You see, I've been unfortunate. I've never gone through that "young western world citizen" rite of passage that is going on an 'anti-war' demo.
There is actually a very good reason for this. Despite the fact that I'm not what you'd call a supporter of war. I do accept that sometimes, it happens. And frankly, we've not yet been involved in one that I didn't think was necessary. I went on the odd anti-Nazi stroll as a teenager, little skirmishes with skinhead National Front supporters, that sort of thing. But we were all on the same team if a 'proper' war broke out.
There's a change these days, professional protesters, out waving banners at the drop of a political agenda, fill the streets, backed by Chelsea tractors full of young mums eager to support the cause put forward by their favourite daytime tv presenter. All good for the political health of the nation I'm sure. Just try getting most of them off their backsides on polling day though.
Perhaps I'm just put off by the type of protester I saw being interviewed on the BBC news half an hour ago. A middle aged banner waving Liverpudlian, telling the news reporter in no uncertain terms how Tony Blair was personally responsible for the death of 250'000 human beings because of the wars he'd dragged us into.
It's fuckwits like that, with no sense of reality, or scale, who let their entire political stance be moulded by headlines without reading the stories, that put me off.
People who look at the pictures, but can't be bothered to read the words.
Street corner 'soundbite politicians' with only the tiniest veneer of factual content to cover their otherwise butt-naked, naive, ill-considered political opinions.
Perhaps is to avoid those type of people that I've never been on an anti-war march.
Now if they had an "Anti-War On Drugs" march............
And why was the war on Iraq 'necessary'?
The deposing of a mass muderer was a good enough a reason for me mate. Our 'masters' may have lied and cheated to get us there in the first place, but they're politicians, if they're not doing that, thy're either asleep or dead. Get over it, politicians will lie to get what they want from us, and they always have.
I know as well as anyone they wanted a war for their own reasons, but if those reasons happen to co-incide with an objective I support, I have to accept that as the best I can get. You might feel you duty as a human being, when you see a mass murderer ruling a nation of people through fear, force, murder, torture and rape, is to sit back and do nothing. After all, we'll only make it worse right?
I think that's the attitude of the truly un-caring. I'd like to think there were some people left with the courage to do something if it was happening to me, regardless of how it was dressed up by politicians.
You seem (but maybe didn't) tar all anti war demo types with being uninformed based on the interview(s) of demo peeps' sound bites. I think you might find there are some like that but there are a great many more that do know what was going on but were helpless to do anything more than demo about it. I thought the whole lead up to war was transparently a falsehood.
We are responsible for those deaths. When you make a decision to go to war, there are repercussions and if you ignore the warnings of what will happen then it is irresponsible to run away from the outcome. Which we will as we do in every case to date or we'll leve the UN to try and sort it out and they are just as incapable for all sorts of reasons. This could go on and on and on.
Anyway later in "The Horror Of Cluster Bombs....." you single out Israel, rightly so for being ... well Israel (don't need to expand on that) yet we have dropped and left the same evil types of bombs in Iraq. We too are up there with the nastiest on the planet.
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