Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Church of England, The New Tories...

From The Daily Telegraph Wednesday 11th October
Church backs legal rights for parents who live in sin
By Jonathan Petre Religion Correspondent
THE Church of England yesterday backed proposals to give millions of unmarried couples who are "living in sin" similar legal rights to their married counterparts.
Risking accusations that it was undermining marriage, the Church said that cohabiting couples with children should be granted significant legal protection if they split up.
It also argued that those rights should be extended to unmarried couples without children if one of the ex-partners was at risk of suffering a substantial injustice when they separated.
Responding to recommendations from the Law Commission, the Church said it wanted to uphold the ideal of marriage but that there was a strong biblical precedent for protecting the vulnerable.

In time honoured fashion, the Church of England falls over itself again as it tries to desperately reduce those dwindling numbers. Yet another of it's little rules falls by the wayside, as it desperately tries to be all things to all men, women and anyone else who'll join up.

Of course some will say this is simply a case of the church moving with the times, it's a touchy-feely exercise in protecting the less fortunate, which of course in essence it is.
Nonetheless, it's also another good old fashioned turnaround on another of those 'rules for life' that the church have decided doesn't fit with life in the 21st century. Opinions on homosexuality and pre-marital sex may be the big ones, but Christianity of all flavours has a long history of chipping away at the rules it once wrote in stone for it's followers.

This gradual erosion was always one of the fundamental elements that contributed in my childhood to realising what a load of old tosh the whole 'God' thing was. When you first get introduced to it, it's like this great big club, in which the rules and beliefs of the members seem fairly clear.
But you very quickly realise that it's the local branch managers making the rules, and changing them to suit the little world they inhabit at any given moment. So it soon became clear no-one really believed all this rubbish, everybody just took on board what they thought was relevant to them, and paid lip service to the rest.
Because if the really had total faith, and truly believed, then they wouldn't dare have the audacity to re-interpret the rules would they?
So you end up with not a 'belief' system, but an organisation prepared to say whatever people want to hear in an effort to win back support.

Which brings us to the Tory party.....


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