Monday, August 07, 2006

And So The Cycle Continues....Only Different....

Middle East 1991, Iraq puts it's collective desert boots on, starts up it's tanks and takes an extended holiday in it's smaller less powerful neighbour, Kuwait's back garden.

The great powers of western civilization flock to the poor oppressed Kuwaiti's aid, proving that in the modern age the civilized world will not tolerate naked aggression from nation states seeking to advance themselves through violence.

A couple of SAS chaps manage to make careers out of writing from fucking up a mission, lots of people die, everyone goes home, (except the dead ones).

Middle East 2006. Israel puts it's collective desert boots on, starts up it's tanks and takes an extended holiday in smaller less powerful neighbour, Lebanon's back garden.

The great powers of western civilization flock to the nearest sand dune to hide their heads in it and hope the problem goes away.

It would appear that Israel has successfully managed to add the USA and the UK to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in lists of places where it gets to make the rules.

Note to Lebanon: When they pull out next time, but before they invade next time after that, don't waste time and money re-building your infrastructure. Put all your efforts into finding lots of oil, set up some heavy duty deals with the USA so that they become reliant on your supply and sit back and enjoy the sunshine. When your noisy neighbour next decides to jump over the fence and punch your face in because your kids threw stones at his greenhouse, watch for the dust of the now motorized 7th cavalry as it comes hastily over the hill to your rescue and gives the bad boy a bloody nose. (They will of course then stick around opening McDonald's restaurants and treading huge amounts of gum into your pavement, but it beats having to pay for your own army).

Note to Israel: Stop acting like the kid in playground who used to get beaten up, took a few self defence classes and now thinks it's ok to kick the shit out of anyone who looks at him sideways as a form of payback for past suffering. Wankers.

Note to the USA: You set yourself up as the world's policeman, get off your fat supersized arses, mount up in your gas guzzling humvees and fucking put a stop to this madness.

Note to the UK: Send in the SAS, those boys need something new to write about and the army pension is shit.

Note to Mainland Europe: Nobody cares what you think, keep out of it.

Note to everyone: The views expressed here do not necessarily represent those of a sane human being. Obviously.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

U are totally right on this one!!

6:41 pm  

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