Yes, Of Course, It's All Our Fault....
From The BBC
Blair 'sorrow' over slave trade
Prime Minister Tony Blair has said he feels "deep sorrow" for
In an article for the New Nation newspaper, the prime minister said it had been "profoundly shameful".
But Mr Blair stopped short of issuing a full apology, which some commentators have demanded.
The government is reportedly setting out its plans for next year's bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade.
Esther Stanford, of the Pan African Reparation Coalition, said all countries that had ever been involved in slavery should give a full apology.
"An apology is just the start - words mean nothing," she told BBC News.
"We're talking about an apology of substance which would then be followed by various reparative measures including financial compensation."
The whole idea of anyone apologising for the actions of long dead fellow countrymen is frankly the most wishy washy pile of shite in a whole world that talks too much and acts too little.How the hell is it even a consideration that those of us now alive should be in any way responsible for the actions of those long dead?
And how is it that Esther Stanford can believe that she can do anything but harm to African causes by demanding that nations that were historically involved in slavery, should make reparations? Where does this rediculously misguided woman think this should end?
Perhaps With Egypt paying reparations to the Israelites? Or with Italians paying reperations to Britons, Gauls and Germans for what the Romans did? I assume that any 'reparations' would of course, once paid, be buried alongside the long dead victims? I'm sure she doesn't intend for anyone alive, and therefore not actually a victim of slavery, to actually make a profit from it?
Or perhaps the people who feel these issues deserve their time and attention should consider getting off their respective arses and spend that time and attention on helping their fellow man that are suffering in one way or another in the world, right here and right now?