Here We Go Again....
Rarely can I remember having entered into a fresh new year with such high spirits. Now whether this is caused by residual traces of the New Years Eve party stimulations, or a genuine reflection of my state of mind, only time will tell, but on the first 'proper' day of 2007, (the 1st never counts, if you didn't sleep the night before, it still officially counts as being the NYE party of course) I feel pretty good.
As you'd expect from me, sharing my thoughts with you has been somewhat lacking over the last few weeks. It's not that I had nothing to say, but with the party season in full flight, I had plenty of opportunity to fall back on my original audience of friends and unfortunate bystanders, who fell victim to my rants and general oratorical fatuity (finally got round to using that one). So you out there in the wide world had to do without me for a while. I'm sure you survived ok.
So in the spirit of randomness, here are a few points that are bouncing around my mind as the new year begins.
Being in love is still far and away the best thing in the world. If you are, cherish it with every breath in your body, if you are not, you will know when you are by the way every other thing becomes insignificant in loves presence.
You get to chose your own friends. If you look around and find you are unhappy with them, it's your own fault. Either be prepared to deal with it, or move on. Some will prove to be worth every bit of effort, some will not, but you must decide which is which for yourself. Don't assume that every relationship will work, or continue to muddle through blindly when they do not. Sometimes you do have to let go.
Never underestimate the power of family relationships to still hurt, long after you thought you'd 'dealt' with them. Realising how much you still love your mum and dad, even if you'd convinced yourself that you'd never get along, is a shockingly powerful thing. Don't leave it too long to figure that out.
Mince pies are still one of the best things about Christmas. Religious nonsense is still the worst.
Watch "An Inconvenient Truth". If you don't come away from it with a desire to change things around you, take a long look at yourself. You are part of the problem.
I don't care if CSI is overly glamourised nonsense, it's great tv, but I wish they'd stop buggering about with torches in dark rooms and turn the bloody lights on!
House parties are still a far better option than clubbing on New Years Eve.
Life is still good.
As you'd expect from me, sharing my thoughts with you has been somewhat lacking over the last few weeks. It's not that I had nothing to say, but with the party season in full flight, I had plenty of opportunity to fall back on my original audience of friends and unfortunate bystanders, who fell victim to my rants and general oratorical fatuity (finally got round to using that one). So you out there in the wide world had to do without me for a while. I'm sure you survived ok.
So in the spirit of randomness, here are a few points that are bouncing around my mind as the new year begins.
Being in love is still far and away the best thing in the world. If you are, cherish it with every breath in your body, if you are not, you will know when you are by the way every other thing becomes insignificant in loves presence.
You get to chose your own friends. If you look around and find you are unhappy with them, it's your own fault. Either be prepared to deal with it, or move on. Some will prove to be worth every bit of effort, some will not, but you must decide which is which for yourself. Don't assume that every relationship will work, or continue to muddle through blindly when they do not. Sometimes you do have to let go.
Never underestimate the power of family relationships to still hurt, long after you thought you'd 'dealt' with them. Realising how much you still love your mum and dad, even if you'd convinced yourself that you'd never get along, is a shockingly powerful thing. Don't leave it too long to figure that out.
Mince pies are still one of the best things about Christmas. Religious nonsense is still the worst.
Watch "An Inconvenient Truth". If you don't come away from it with a desire to change things around you, take a long look at yourself. You are part of the problem.
I don't care if CSI is overly glamourised nonsense, it's great tv, but I wish they'd stop buggering about with torches in dark rooms and turn the bloody lights on!
House parties are still a far better option than clubbing on New Years Eve.
Life is still good.
Well done Stevie! - I just noticed the time of this post, which means you did manage to drag yourself out of bed and into the 'office'
Indeed, though I wont have broken any productivity records yesterday;-)
PS. Don't entirely agree about your comment re: NYE house parties being better than going clubbing - but I'm just greedy, I like doing both! :-p
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