Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blame Free Bloating....

Obesity 'not individuals' fault'

Individuals can no longer be held responsible for obesity and government must act to stop Britain "sleepwalking" into a crisis, a report has concluded.

The largest ever UK study into obesity, backed by government and compiled by 250 experts, said excess weight was now the norm in our "obesogenic" society.

So yet another level of personal responsibility is eaten away. If you stuff too many buns into your pie-hole, blame someone else.

I can’t wait for the mounds of fat bastards that try in vain to force their corpulent frames through the doors of the law courts to sue those evil burger and pie manufacturers that made their lives so miserable.

I’ve been known to be a bit over weight on occasion in my own life. It’s not a good place to be, and can negatively effect your life and your health. But it was my own bloody fault! Nobody ever force-fed me a kebab, threatened me with an éclair or used duress to encourage me to have one more slice of pie. It was all my own work.

Perhaps people should keep in mind though, before waddling to the phone to call a lawyer, you only get rights because you have responsibilities. Gradually allow the latter to be nibbled away, and you may wake up one day to realise neither is left in the larder.


Blogger Unknown said...

Ha! Brilliant. The nation needs to stop being so "poor me" and get some fucking exercise.

11:58 am  

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