Let Out & Locked In....

I know little, and frankly care even less about Paris Hilton. She represents to me a portion of society that serves less purpose than a chocolate fire-guard.
I base this probably entirely unfair, and wholly un-considered opinion on nothing more solid than my own good old fashioned inverted snobbery, with a measure of very human envy thrown in, but hey, I am after all, only human.
I do know however, that her being released after only three days of her sentence is absolute proof that the US justice system is as corrupt as any banana republic any where on earth. How could any unfortunate resident of that nation ever trust the legal system again?
Unless they happen to be a millionaire of course.
And In Other News.....
Continuing with my theme of recklessly commenting on people I know nothing about, I'm proud to say I have so far managed to avoid even accidentally tuning in to that amazing piece of TV excrement, Big Brother.
I'd like to go on record as saying that anyone stupid enough to go on the show deserves nothing less than complete ridicule for the rest of their lives, or perhaps pity. I'm not entirely sure.
What I do know is the people who produce this obscene human zoo, make The Jerry Springer Show seem like a session of sensitive counselling. Sadly the viewing figures demonstrate that there will always be plenty of people around so insecure about their own inadequacies, that they have to gain solace from watching others even less well balanced than themselves.
Totally agree about both Paris and BB. Could just not have said it in quite the same way!
Miss your rants Stevie. Yep, Los Angeles has officially cracked! Thanks be to Jesus our good men and women from the armed services are protecting our freedoms in Iraq.
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