Frenchman and Twin Towers shocker...
On This Day In History...
Frenchman Phillipe Petit took an illegal stroll between the Twin Towers on a tightrope on this day in 1974. "Little Phil" as the boys in the pub used to call him, prepared for six years for the stunt, and was arrested on his return to terra firma.
A spokesman for the US government upon hearing this news today released the following statement: "Well that explains why they fell down so fucking easy, the bloody frenchie must have weakened their infrastructure considerably. We will now be closing the enquiry."
A spokesman for Little Phil denied reports that a follow up stunt involving a wing walk on a jumbo jet in 2001 was anything to do with him.
Frenchman Phillipe Petit took an illegal stroll between the Twin Towers on a tightrope on this day in 1974. "Little Phil" as the boys in the pub used to call him, prepared for six years for the stunt, and was arrested on his return to terra firma.
A spokesman for the US government upon hearing this news today released the following statement: "Well that explains why they fell down so fucking easy, the bloody frenchie must have weakened their infrastructure considerably. We will now be closing the enquiry."
A spokesman for Little Phil denied reports that a follow up stunt involving a wing walk on a jumbo jet in 2001 was anything to do with him.
hehe :).
hahahahahahaha like it
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