Wednesday, July 01, 2009

A Fence Sitter By Any Other Name...

A small point but one I think worth voicing, I absolutely bloody detest the phrase "African American", it is a typical mealy-mouthed pathetic piece of politically correct new-speak we have been force fed for a number of years now. It is equally as annoying as "Irish-American" (There are more who choose that particular namby-pamby fence-sitting moniker than actual Irish people for crying out loud!).

With the recent death of Michael Not-Very-Blackson, I've heard interviewers asking the standard trite question "What did his work mean to African Americans?"

It meant bugger all, because there is no such thing. If you are American and proud of it, say so, it does not need to be qualified or justified based on the trials and tribulations of your distant ancestors, it's about YOU. Everyone has the right to proud of their nation, and if you're not, then by all means deny it and call yourself African, or Irish, or what ever you'd rather be associated with, but get off the bloody fence and pick a team.


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