Nanny Strikes Again......

Good to see yet another small piece of personal freedom being eaten away this week as Nanny decides we now need stricter enforcement on mobile phone use in cars.
It sickens me to see all these evangelical police morons wheeled out in television interviews, telling us very sternly how very dangerous it is to use your mobile whilst in motion. The radio ad campaign focuses on telling us how dangerous it is to do two things at once....what? Like listening to a dumb-arsed radio ad and driving at the same time you mean?
What next I wonder? Banning passengers in case they distract you by talking? And what about smoking? Picking one's nose? Eating a chocolate bar? (as I incidentally watched a fine officer of the law doing whilst driving in heavy traffic on the A3 yesterday).
Yes, all these things are a little more dangerous than giving driving your 100% attention, but no-one except those who passed their driving test in the last three days actually does that!
How about the government and their chief tax collectors, the boys in blue, get off our case for a change and stop coming up with new ways to criminalize the population?
Fascism seems to have stopped sneaking in the back door these days and comes along through the front, bold as brass, and announcing it's arrival with TV and radio advertising Her Goebbels would have killed for in his propaganda ministry.
I'd suggest that someone who has lost their life due to careless driving caused by mobile phone use has lost a hell of a lot more freedom than those who declare it their god given right to drive as they wish....
Yes Shauny, everyone knows it's a little more dangerous as I pointed out, as are all the other examples I listed. Life is a terminal disease, but if the powers that be really wanted to save lives rather than generate income, they'd fit ristrictors to each and every car on the road at next MOT time, paid for by all the fines they generate. Cutting road deaths at a stroke....oh but of course then they'd get no speeding fine incomes afterwards....
It's all about control and cash matey.
A little more dangerous? There are plenty of studies out there which show that driving whilst using a phone is as bad as drink driving. If you don't want to be fined, don't break the laws - simple.
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