Thursday, February 01, 2007

More From The Nice People At NTL........

Yet again I find myself apologising for my lack of productivity in the blog department. In my defence, I'm actually starting to get a lot busier in the world of work these days, a concept I would not have even been able to contemplate some months ago!

Today's piece marks a return to one of my favourite topics, for ranting, and one of my least favourite organisations, you guessed it, good old NTL.

Latest in their catalogue of ways to prove they could not perform any amount of customer service if their collective balls were placed in a vice, and the level to which it was being tightened depended upon it, comes from a friend of mine who was due to have their services connected at his new home earlier this month. He received his little text message reminder the day before installation was due, and on the long awaited day, we sat eagerly awaiting the wonderful ability to once again connect to the world outside his flat.
And we waited.
And waited.
And waited.
We gave up waiting, and called those wonderful people at NTL for an update. Well didn't we chuckle when it was explained that the appointment had been cancelled, and rescheduled for another date, IN FIVE WEEKS TIME!!
Really? By whom exactly? Some faffing about, a little more time with the holding music, and some traditional buck-passing ensued before we were informed that, they did not know who had changed the date for installation.
Ok, my friend, being far more patient than I, (I would have reached down the phone and ripped out the persons heart by now had it been physically possible, as we all know that employees of this company deserve to die horribly) asks how soon this error can be rectified, as they had at least accepted it was not him that cancelled the appointment......

Not until the date in five weeks time, as this was the earliest available slot he was told.

He has since had tv/telephone and broadband installed within a week via SKY & BT, it took him all of 30 seconds on the phone to NTL to explain why he wished to withdraw from the planned agreement, and he was dealt with by someone who had obviously dealt with many such cancellations.

Do these wankers really think that we are so stupid that when they change the company name to Virgin Media soon we will assume all is now well and they will become a glorious example of the best in customer service?

Mr Branson, pull out of this deal now, or risk being associated with a company with a worse record in customer relations than the manufacturers of Zyklon B.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grrrrr! They are the lowest of the low. Sky may be more expensive but I've learnt my lesson and won't be going back to NTL!

10:57 am  

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