Roll Out The Barrel...

There was disappointment in Branscombe,
The less than gripping ramblings of One Man, his Badger, and his Badger's Aunt.
There was disappointment in Branscombe,
It's no great secret to anyone who knows me, that in about three years or so I'm intending to head round the world to
Flagging Patriotism...
First is the report that organisers of Big Day Out,
One keen advocate of the aussies right to wave their flag is Prime Minister John "
"The event organisers should not ram their peculiar political views down the throats of young Australians who are only interested in a good day out."
Does this mean, I wonder that he's changed his nation's draconian views on recreational drug use by 'young Australians who are only interested in a good day out'? Or is he still happy to allow his government to ram that particular peculiar political view down their throats?
One Step Closer to
One less trivial, and frankly more disturbing story also in the news today is that of Allen Jasson below...
From BBC News
Flight ban for anti-Bush T-shirt
A passenger barred from a Qantas airlines flight for wearing a T-shirt depicting US President George Bush as a terrorist has threatened legal action. Allen Jasson said he was sticking up for the principle of free speech by challenging the decision by the Australian flag carrier. Mr Jasson was stopped as he was about to board the flight from
Since when does the operator of an airline get to set itself up as defender of the public’s sensibilities? Where do we go from here? Perhaps the wearing of a pair of Union Jack shorts on the flight home from another pointless
Airline travel is becoming more and more irritating of late, on the back of this insane fear of anyone with a long beard, a tan, and an unusual hat. Can anyone not see that some of these measures, introduced in the name of 'security' are sometimes not only ridiculous, but in instances like this, also bordering on the fascist?
What I've seen of Melbourne in the little time I've spent there, I've liked enough to be happy to call home with my fiancée at some point in the future, but I'm beginning to think it's going to seem a little more like moving to Alabama than Australia.
I'm in a difficult situation when it comes to the current fuss over Channel 4's shite-fest, Celebrity Big Brother.
It will come as no massive surprise to you, but I'm definitely of the mind that this sort of pointless tripe is yet another reason to get off one's arse and find a hobby rather than turn on the tv.
However, I have to of course bow to the fact that this latest excuse for un-important 'celebrities' to spread their mediocrity to a greater audience is very much in the news at the moment. This brings me to my dilemma, for I find myself wishing to comment on the programmes un-invited presence in my consciousness, (rather like an irritating zit, you know you ought not to pick at), even though I still refuse to watch the damn thing.
Therefore you will have to excuse me if I comment, without having had first hand experience of the alleged racism that I'm told is permeating the show currently.
We live in a country where racism is illegal. So correct me if I'm wrong, but if someone's broken the law, is there not justification for PC Do-gooder to go into this little nest of has-beens and question or possibly arrest someone? Or at the very least insist the accused/victims be removed immediately and questioned?
The alternative is that no illegality has occurred, and we are just witnessing some form of mass hysteria over the completely unimportant mockney ramblings of a fat girl from Essex with delusions of relevance, and the equally unimportant hurt feelings of a spoilt little rich girl from India too stupid to realise that she'd get more than just an increase in her fame levels amongst non-Asian audiences by being short-sighted enough to agree to come on this bloody show.
Twenty odd MPs have signed something or other, the Chancellor's visit to India is, in the words of the BBC 'overshadowed', half the nation is up in arms, and most of the nations press would not hold the front page for a royal death if it happened right now, just on the off chance that Miss Piggy or the Bollywood Bore might have another little tiff.
The mother of schoolgirl Misbah Rana has dropped her claim for custody of her daughter, the Supreme Court in
The 12-year-old, also known as Molly Campbell, left
Misbah's mother, Louise Campbell, had interim custody of her daughter.
The court in
Can you believe I switched on BBC News 24 this morning to find this piece of un-interesting, completely insignificant information was the 'NEWS' that filled fully the first ten minutes of the BBC news broadcast?
With all the conflict, suffering and problems that goes on in the world today, and every day, that was the best the world's premiere news service could come up with. If it carries on like this I'll be forced to tune in to CNN, where 'World News' traditionally means anything to do with the USA.
It's heartbreaking to see the beautiful face of five year old Ellie Lawrenson on the news at the moment. The poor innocent victim, not of a dangerous animal, but of a group of idiotic adults who did not have enough common sense to know that a pit bull should not be anywhere near a tiny defenceless human being.
There's no real point to thinking of punishing those supposedly 'responsible', though frankly responsibility is the last thing any of them has demonstrated. Ellies uncle will be tormented by this for life, as will her parents. On an individual level, that's almost certainly punishment enough.
Perhaps authorities should declare that from this point forward, a similar occurrence will lead to a mandatory jail term for the dog owners, and any adult allowing such a dog to be in the same house as a child. Though I doubt it would deter the morons who think there is any reason on earth to have such dangerous animals as pets. Only the death of a child close to them might do that.
There used to be an old saying, "You need a license to own a dog, but they let any bloody idiot have children".
Rest in peace little Ellie.