Thursday, February 07, 2008

Giving Up The Holy Ghost....

Archbishop sparks Sharia law row

Leading politicians have distanced themselves from the Archbishop of Canterbury's belief that some Sharia law in the UK seems "unavoidable".

Full Story:

Well, to coin a phrase, Oh My God!

Just what is going on in the head of this woolly minded God botherer?? Obviously the impotent wishy-washy institution that is the Church of England has finally given up the (holy) ghost. Not content with failing to convince ever greater numbers to buy into their groundless belief system, they are now apparently resigned to the fact that another equally spurious one should have legal sway over British people.

I would have at least some respect for the Church of England if it had enough backbone to publicly reinforce its core doctrine that Christianity is the ONLY true faith. At least Islam is not shy about standing by that one, no matter how distasteful it may be to non-believers.

Still, let’s look on the positive side; at least one of the remnants of pre-thinking society is putting itself out of business. Giving the rest of us the ability to focus on the others.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stevie - you haven't blogged for a while sweetie, c'mon surely there must be something for you to climb up on your soap box about? Still my favourite ranter! Jo ;-)

5:28 pm  

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